VONU, which means good/tasty in Sardinian dialect, produces organic and handmade teas. Sardinian raw honey is the main ingredient used, but each of the four variations has a unique recipe to create a distinctive flavour.
Behind the work
Sardinian clothes and jewellery are a blend of different cultures that have shaped the island's history, including the Phoenician, Greek, Byzantine, and Spanish influences. I was particularly drawn to the elegant black shawls, a hallmark of traditional Sardinian attire, made from light Tibetan wool and adorned with silk flower embroidery.
These shawls have a rich history, symbolising social status and marital life. They were not just clothing but symbols of prestige.
Inspired by these intricate floral patterns and considering that VONU products use Sardinian honey, I simplified and reimagined the flower motifs to capture their essence through vibrant colors and minimal shapes.